Wellocity is the primary company providing coaching services under Sports Authority of Gujarat’s (SAG) "Pay and Play" scheme in various sports complexes.
The "Pay and Play" scheme is a unique PPP arrangement with the state government, in which coaching facilities are provided by Wellocity’s coaches for recreation, beginner and intermediate level players, on a revenue sharing basis with the SAG. Apart from sports coaching the scheme also includes management of the fitness centers at various sports complexes by the Wellocity team.
This initiative is a significant step in broad basing of sports and reaching out to all levels of players within the society. With its past experience in the field of sports and fitness, the involvement of the Wellocity team ensures high quality coaching to all the users. Our team is also actively involved in expanding the user base, through regular marketing, and organization of events to popularise the services provided under this "Pay and Play" arrangement.